
Wednesday 7 August 2013

How To Build A Koi Pond - Choosing The Plants

Once you have managed to build a koi fish pond the next thing that you're going to have to do is choose what plants that you want to decorate it with.

Your pond is going to the pride and joy so you want to decorate it and the best thing is some plants can be beneficial by keeping algae at bay or providing more oxygen into the water or biological life (biological life helps maintain your pool by doing what they would do in nature).

  • Lotus Plants
With a tropical fish such a koi you may consider putting in tropical plants, one of the best types that you should consider are the lotus plants. These are not only beautiful but they give off a great smell as well.

The only problem with these plants is that they can;t thrive in the winter, so if you are in an area where the temperature drops below 65 Fahrenheit. The best way to keep them alive during winter months if the weather dips below this you will need to put them somewhere like a greenhouse or indoors if that is the other option. 

  • Water Hyacinths
If you don't want to go through the effort of planting your lotus plants in soil and giving them sunlight etc then something to consider are hyacinths.

These are simple and don't require soil or planting, all you need to do is spend a few seconds to anchor them down into the water so they don't float around too much but apart from that all you have to do is throw them in.

The downside to these is that if allowed to grow they can spread a lot all over the pond and not only that but if your pond is near the fence they can grow up and over as well which is why you're going to have to control them.

However, the benefits of these plants is that they will help fight off the algae that you will find in pond.

These are two of the various plants that you're going to have to use when you build a koi fish pond but these are just an example of two.

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